Тариф: С НДС 8400 сум
image 2019-07-11

"Makhsustrans" business conference

Within the framework of #GEW2018 Uzbekistan 2nd global entrepreneurship week held in Tashkent on November 12-18 of this year, a number of meetings and discussions were held on topics related to the city administration with the direct organizational support of the city administration.
One such discussion, which took place on November 14, was devoted to the topic "Transfer of public services to the private sector: quality and efficiency" and was held on the following topics.
● State policy in the field of PPP - opportunities and obstacles;
● mechanisms of mutual cooperation between the state and business, the most urgent areas of cooperation;
● transfer of public services to the private sector: potential problems.
Sherzod Kattakho'jayev, deputy head of department from "Makhsustrans" DUK, participated in the interview. The video report contains excerpts from this discussion on the issues of collection and disposal of household waste and maintenance of sanitary conditions in the city of Tashkent.

Link to video report:
